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September 26, 2024
Learn how the EU AI Act impacts companies using high-risk AI systems. This simplified guide breaks down the key obligations for compliance and how to navigate new regulations.
August 15, 2024
Navigating the EU AI Act: What the 2025 Codes of Practice Mean for AI-Driven Enterprises
July 18, 2024
Read more about how AI is becoming a cornerstone to airlines’ competitive strategies, allowing companies to optimize and further digitize themselves ahead of stringent competition
Artificial Intelligence
Learn more about latest AI regulations here and what roles AI Risk Management plays
Risk management
Learn more about recent developments and trends for AI in 2024 in the UK and France
Check out how AI model adoption in the telecom industry is intensifying in our blog post
Dive into AI Risk Management in the DACH region and explore trends in banking and insurance.
Learn more about how will industries safeguard their data and secure model use, and will these new tenants significantly impact firm strategy in the future.
Learn more about the traditional and generative AI use cases in insurance and their implication for EU AI Act compliance
Read more here about the concrete steps to take in 2024 for you to be ready for the EU AI Act!
Read more here about recent developments from GPT Marketplace
Read more about AI web scrapping tools in journalism and its associated risks
Learn more about the analysis on the AI regulation in the UK and US
Learn more about the LLM use cases in banking and its implication towards EU AI Act compliance
Read more about how to tackle the issue of model biases in chatbots
Learn more about the risks and consequences of unauthorized code usage, and resulting proactive prevention strategies
Learn more about how LLMs can be integrated in customer support chatbots, its best practices and vulnerabilities
Learn more about how cross-selling prediction models work and why risk assessment is important in this context
Read more about the risks and implications on different societal groups, the nuanced definitions of fairness and how to measure it
Learn more in this blog about LLM-induced hallucinations, societal impacts, and how the Calvin Risk Framework manages AI complexities
How AI Incidents Shape Company Stock Performance
Learn more about how Calvin Risk ensures trustworthy, safe, and compliant AI with proper risk management, which requires a comprehensive approach including managing technical, ethical, and regulatory risks.
How AI-generated images have the potential to disrupt a range of industries and raise ethical concerns at the same time
How and why we were inspired to build Calvin Risk and enable trustworthy AI aligned with humanity